What does your team need from you as a leader?

What's good, Culture Change Leader!

Welcome to The Mid-Level Up Newsletter!

Each week I, Ray White, want to provide you with a lil' sumthin-sumthin to equip you for a belonging workplace culture! You will find notes of encouragement, perspective, and reflection that could assist you to take action in your leadership.

Let me know what you like, how you plan on implementing the content, and share it to a friend.

P.S. If this was forwarded to you, subscribe here!

Quick Check-In

I am developing an ebook (no more than 30 pages) all on an employee retention strategy I've used help retain upwards of 80% employees I've led.

If you are looking for a resource that has data, relevant tactics, and additional articles to help you enhance your employee experience, this is for you!

And since y'all are recipients of the Mid-Level Up Newsletter, you will be the first to know when it drops

Bonus: It will be free! (or at least a "Pay-What-You-Want" model).

Alright, let's get into this issue!

5 daily actions to your team needs from You

So, Reader, in the 12 years of middle management experience under my belt, and extensive research understanding the needs team members for their employee experience, I have found these 5 actions necessary to help increase your teams trust in you and your leadership everyday.

Show Up and Lead by Example:

  • Demonstrate your commitment by stepping into their world and modeling the behaviors you expect. Your presence and actions set the tone, showing that you are a leader who walks the walk and can be trusted to guide the team.
  • Why?: Our team desires a model to follow! They want to see you embodying the values and commitment related to quality leadership. Be a leader worth following by setting the example of how you want others to be on your team!
  • Question: Who is a transformational leader that you follow and why? What characteristics do you work to embody in your own leadership?

Guide and Develop:

  • Actively support your team's growth. Help them develop their skills and guide them towards success. Connect with them, engage in meaningful ways, and provide a clear pathway for their development. Your role is to foster their capabilities and help them thrive in their roles.
  • Why?: A stagnate team member is a disengaged team member. Each person wants to grow and be challenged. It might not be up the career ladder, but it could be taking on a new tasks that stretches their skills. Your social awareness and strategic mindset can create a space where they are growing in their work (and can thank you for that opportunity).
  • Question: How can you stay attune with your team's desires and develop a plan to help them continue to grow?

Follow Through with Actions:

  • It's crucial to back up your words with actions. Consistently execute tasks at a high level, proving that you can deliver results. This builds trust and demonstrates to your team that they can achieve the same level of execution through your guidance and coaching.
  • Why?: Integrity. The team will lose hope in you and the organization if you say one thing and do another. Then it will be hard to get that back once you've lost it once.
  • Question: If you are asked to accomplish a task, how can you get it done and communicate your status effectively to the team?

Set Clear Expectations and Purpose:

  • Establish a clear mission and set of standards for your team. When they understand their purpose and see how they fit into the bigger picture, they are more motivated and directed. Without this clarity, they may feel lost and unproductive.
  • Why?: Clear is kind. Period. Your team needs to know where they stand on the team and in their work.
  • Question: How can you clear up and define expectations for your team today?

Be Relatable:

  • Last but not least, show that you are human and that you can connect with them. Highlight your lessons, communicate your intentions, share your opinions (in a way that is respectful, of course). Your team wants to see that you are more than the work that you produce, and that you have the same perspective when you see them.
  • Why?: We are not robots and we are not solely our work. Relatability can help a team member feel like they can be themselves and make it easier to approach you if there are concerns in the workplace.
  • Question: What can you do to engage your team on a personal level?

While this is not the full list, it is a comprehensible one for you to double check and ensure you are a leader worth following.

But I want to hear from you, Reader! What are your thoughts with this list? Do you have any others that help you build trust and engagement with your team?

Reply back and let me know!

Follow me on social!

P.S. [In The Lab] - BTS Content just for you!

So I am going test something out with y'all with a quick video called [In The Lab]. The intent is to give you a behind the scenes look at some of the efforts I'm working on and see the processes as an Organizational Development Specialist.

Watch below and let me know what you want to see!

video preview

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