How can you connect Accountability and Belonging in the workplace?

What's good, Culture Change Leader!

Welcome to The Mid-Level Up Newsletter!

Each week I, Ray White, want to provide you with a lil' sumthin-sumthin to equip you for a belonging workplace culture! You will find notes of encouragement, perspective, and reflection that could assist you to take action in your leadership.

Let me know what you like, how you plan on implementing the content, and share it to a friend.

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The Quick Check-in: Office Hours

We are about to to hit a new season and I want to check-in with you to see if you are good! I'm considering doing "office hours" as a space for middle managers to chat and check in on life and leadership.

Want to tap in when the office hours are open? Reply back to this email and I will keep you in the loop!

Alright, lets get into this issue!

The Mid-Level Up: Accountability in Leadership

I am very grateful for sports to teach me the importance of accountability.

My high school football coach would constantly say, "Be where you are supposed to be, do what you are supposed to do." This was an encouragement to know our assignments and execute them at a high level. It also meant that if we were out of alignment, it was on us to own the mishap and then see what we could do better next time.

This taught me that I needed to control what was within my control as an athlete (knowing plays, lifting weights, watching film, uplifting my teammates). It also highlighted that if I made a mistake, it was on me to correct it. The blame can not go anywhere else.

Fostering a workplace culture of belonging is paramount for executive leaders, directors, and people managers.

Organizations that prioritize employee retention and create an inclusive environment are better equipped to attract and retain top talent. To achieve this, leaders must align their words with actions and embrace accountability as a cornerstone of building a thriving workplace culture.

Accountability is often perceived as a daunting concept, as it requires individuals to uphold specific standards and expectations. However, when leaders model accountability, it sets the tone for the entire organization. Just like when my high school football team's motto, “Be where you’re supposed to be, do what you’re supposed to do,” leaders must demonstrate commitment and hold themselves accountable to create a culture of belonging.

In this issue, we will dive into how accountability creates a sense of belonging for employees and provide practical strategies for you to implement.

Four Ways to Practice Accountability in Creating a Belonging Workplace Culture

1. Accept Responsibility and Own It:

Leaders must take ownership of their actions, decisions, and mistakes. By recognizing their areas of control and influence, leaders can actively address issues and prevent them from recurring. Accepting responsibility not only builds trust among team members but also cultivates a culture of transparency and authenticity.

Ask yourself this: Where can you increase your accountability in your circle of control?

2. Constantly Learn and Improve:

Accountability goes hand in hand with continuous learning and self-awareness. Leaders should seek opportunities for personal growth through reading relevant books, engaging with experts, or participating in educational programs. By expanding their knowledge, leaders can make more informed decisions and develop a deeper understanding of how to create an inclusive workplace culture.

Reflect on this: What is in your learning development plan that is sharpening your leadership skills?

3. Seek Solutions that are Inclusive and Equitable:

To create an inclusive workplace culture, leaders must acknowledge their blind spots and actively seek diverse perspectives. By involving individuals who have historically been excluded or marginalized, leaders can ensure that their decision-making processes consider the needs and experiences of all employees. This proactive approach fosters an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Ponder this: What ways are you expanding your circle of concern?

4. Follow-Through on Actions:

Accountability demands that leaders follow through on their commitments. If a leader promises to be available for one-on-one meetings regularly, they must prioritize and honor these engagements. By delivering on their promises, leaders demonstrate reliability and build trust within their teams. Additionally, leaders should address biases within their perspectives, and take concrete steps to eliminate them, ensuring a fair and inclusive decision-making processes.

Evaluate this: How are you ensuring your actions model your words?

Moving Forward and Promoting Belonging Workplace Culture

Two final reminders as you step into fostering accountability in your leadership:

  1. Accountability is an ongoing journey that requires dedication and self-reflection. To create a lasting and impactful culture of belonging, leaders should continually evaluate their actions and strive for improvement.
  2. Seek feedback from employees. Leaders can identify areas where they can enhance inclusivity, address any concerns, and take targeted actions to create a more supportive environment.

By accepting responsibility, constantly learning and improving, seeking inclusive solutions, and following through on actions, leaders can foster an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work.

When you do so, your organization can enhance employee retention rates, attract top talent, and cultivate a culture of belonging that drives success and innovation.

Make the commitment towards becoming that accountable leader! Be the leader that is an agent of positive change, transforming workplaces into spaces where every individual thrives.

Your Next Step

Identify one area where you can improve your accountability practices. Whether it’s committing to regular one-on-one meetings, seeking diverse opinions in decision-making, or dedicating time to continuous learning, take a specific step within the next week to enhance your accountability.

Share your insights and progress with a colleague or mentor, fostering accountability in your journey toward creating an inclusive workplace culture.

Continue to strive for greatness!


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P.S. [In The Lab] - Get Started Now!

Whenever I am in a rut, I record pep talks to myself as a reminder to keep going after the goals and dreams I set out to do.

This one is a reminder to get started today and not let the weight of comparison keep me on the sidelines.

Maybe this reminder would be helpful for you too!

Check it out here:

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